Participant Agreement
+++ Participant Agreement +++
I am participating in the Take Back Your Privacy Foundation's (TBYP) action against MTCH Technology Services Limited and Match Group, Inc. (collectively: Tinder) over the unlawful processing of personal data since May 25, 2018 (the Action), and I hereby instruct TBYP to represent my interests as an aggrieved party.
I comply with the following conditions:
I am 18 years of age or older;
I live or lived in the Netherlands in the period between May 25, 2018 and now;
I had a Tinder account between May 25, 2018 and now.
I am participating! TBYP represents my interests by negotiating a settlement and/or conducting legal proceedings (such as a class action under Article 3:305a of the Dutch Civil Code). In doing so, TBYP can also make opt-in/opt-out statements on my behalf (whether or not to participate in a class action or settlement). TBYP decides independently what steps to take to realize any compensation. TBYP also has the right to request and/or submit information relevant to the Action on my behalf. I authorize TBYP to keep me informed of relevant developments in the Action.
No win, no fee: The Action is conducted on a “no win, no fee” basis. The financial resources to effectively conduct the Action are provided to TBYP by an independent funder. As a result, I do not have to invest any money myself. If a monetary claim is awarded, TBYP is entitled to payment of up to 25% of the result obtained for me. TBYP uses this amount to pay a “fee” to the litigation funder, as compensation for the financial risk it incurred by funding the Action. TBYP will attempt to recover the no win, no fee percentage from Tinder as well. Nothing may then be deducted from my compensation or settlement amount. TBYP cannot promise in advance that this will be successful.
Termination of participation: I may terminate my participation free of charge and immediately until 14 days after accepting this agreement. After that, termination is possible with one month's notice. If, at the time of termination, I am already eligible for compensation (by virtue of a court order or settlement), TBYP is still entitled to compensation as referred to in section 2 of these terms and conditions. I can terminate my participation by clicking on this link.
Choice of law: This agreement is governed by Dutch law.
+++ End of participant agreement +++