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Colette Cuijpers

Colette Cuijpers works as an associate professor at Tilburg University and as a lecturer in Law and Digital Technology at the Juridische Hogeschool Avans – Fontys. She obtained her doctorate in 2000, where her doctoral research focused on the possibility and desirability of implementing the European Privacy Directive in the Dutch Civil Code. As a researcher, Colette has contributed to many national, European, and international projects and published on a variety of topics within the field of law and technology, with a focus on privacy and data protection. Besides being involved in research, Colette is director of studies at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society, where her responsibilities include the international Master’s Program Law & Technology.

Jan Schinkelshoek

Jan Schinkelshoek is a partner at the communications agency Schinkelshoek & Verhoog and has more than 40 years of experience in the communications sector. Jan is a communications consultant in both the private (banking) and public sector (ministries). From 2006 to 2010, Jan was a member of parliament for the Christian Democrats (CDA). Jan started his career as a journalist.

Maarten Rosenberg

Maarten Rosenberg has worked in the banking industry for a long time. His career has developed from trainee in the financial markets division to the management position of Chief Risk Officer. His educational background is in law and economics as well as various management programs. Maarten has extensive international experience and broad experience with the legal and regulatory framework applicable to financial institutions. In addition to his professional and family life, Maarten is enthusiastic about contributing to society and does so in the role of director, supervisor and volunteer in various capacities.